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Hair Loss | page 2

Why it's Dermoi

Understanding Hair Loss: Impact and Normality

Hair loss is a common complaint which can have a huge impact on self-confidence. It's normal to lose hair; most people lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day!

The Emotional Toll of Hair Loss: Confidence and Identity

However, it comes as no surprise that losing hair can be upsetting. For so many of us, our hair is a key part of who we are.

Studies have shown that men who suffer from male pattern hair loss are 75% less confident, especially when interacting with potential romantic partners.(1)

Empowering Solutions: Dermoi's Hair Loss Treatments Selected By In-House Scientific Team

The good news? Most hair loss is temporary and there are things you can do to help.

At Dermoi, we have sourced the stand-out hair loss treatments to restore your confidence.

Our "for hair loss treatment" range features key actives, such as Biotin(2), Peptides and AnaGain(3), which have been clinically proven to target hair loss, and restore hair thickness and volume.


Understanding Hair Loss: Temporary and Permanent Causes

Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. Common hair loss causes include genetics, medical conditions, and also aging.

Hair Loss in Men: Symptoms and Progression

While it can affect everyone, hair loss in men is more common. The condition can come on suddenly, or happen gradually. Hair loss symptoms include hair thinning, patchy bald spots and sudden loose hairs.

Aging and Hair Loss: Slowing Growth and Thinning

Just like with skin, our hair ages too! With age, hair growth slows down which often results in hair loss. Hair follicles begin to stop growing hair, which causes our hair to thin.


What are some common causes of hair loss?

Hair loss can stem from various factors, including genetics, medical conditions, aging, hormonal changes, stress, and certain medications. Identifying the underlying cause is crucial for determining the most effective treatment approach.

How can hair loss impact an individual's self-confidence?

Hair loss can significantly affect self-esteem and confidence, particularly when it becomes noticeable or leads to balding.

Studies have shown that individuals experiencing hair loss, especially men with male pattern baldness, often report feeling less confident, particularly in social and romantic situations.

What are some effective solutions for hair loss?

At Dermoi, we've curated a range of standout hair loss treatments featuring key actives such as Biotin, Peptides, and AnaGain, which have been clinically proven to target hair loss, restore hair thickness, and volume. These treatments offer effective solutions to help restore confidence and combat hair loss effectively.


(1) Banka N, Bunagan M, Shapiro J. Pattern Hair Loss in Men. Dermatologic Clinics. 2013;31(1):129-140.
(2) Patel D, Swink S, Castelo-Soccio L. A Review of the Use of Biotin for Hair Loss. Skin Appendage Disorders. 2017;3(3):166-169.
(3) Grothe T, Wandrey F, Schuerch C. Short Communication: Clinical Evaluation of Pea Sprout Extract in the Treatment of Hair Loss. Phytotherapy Research. 2019;34(2):428-431.

Shop Hair Loss
Hair Loss Conditioner

Hair loss conditioners strengthen, nourish, and promote hair growth, reducing breakage and supporting healthy, fuller-looking hair over time.

Hair Loss Shampoo

Hair loss shampoos cleanse, nourish, and promote hair growth, addressing underlying causes to support thicker, fuller-looking hair.

Hair Loss Treatments

Hair loss treatments stimulate follicles and promote regrowth. These hair thinning treatments helping to restore thicker, healthier hair over time.

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